And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.
Counselling |
If you answered yes to any of these, or have other issues that are thwarting you, we can help you. People seek counselling rather than coaching for a number of reaons many of which are listed below. Penny has rigorous therapeutic training and decades of experience. She works intuitively uncovering your real issues enabling healing and peace to be a reality not a dream. A fully registered psychologist, she is a certified teacher of the Enneagram and Ego State Therapist, plus she has 30 years’ depth involvement and teaching in Buddhism, giving her a profound understanding of the mind and emotions. Therapy (counselling) sessions are fully claimable through Medicare (in Australia) under the Mental Health Plan requiring a referral from your General Practitioner. Reasons to seek therapy may include:
HOW WILL YOU BENEFIT? Utilise your strengths, face challenging obstacles, move forward. Find new ways to focus your intention, purpose and energy. Learn to let go of that which limits or thwarts you.
COACHING OR COUNSELLING? Call or email now for an initial conversation to ascertain the most relevant modality for you. Irrespective of your location Penny works by phone, Skype or face-to-face making geography a non-issue. For more information call or email us now. |